, pub-1595353959008497, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 WCS 2nd Year Module 5 | COPA MCQ
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Workshop Calculation and Science

2nd Year

Module 5 - Elasticity

1: Which is elastic material?
A : Nylon
B : Polystyrenes
C : Celluloid
D : Polycarbonates

2: Which is thermo plastic material?
A : Butyl rubber
B : Nylon
C : Neoprene

D : Vinyl polymers

3: What is the maximum percentage of stretch of its original length is allowable for elastic materials?
A : 100%
B : 200%

C : 300%
D : 400%

4: What is the ratio between the change in dimension to its original dimension of the substance?
A : Stress

B : Strain
C : Poissonʹs ratio
D : Factor of safety

5: What is the unit of strain?
A : Kg/cm²
B : Newton/metre²
C : Metre

D : No unit

6: What is the ratio of change in length to original length?
A : Linear strain
B : Lateral strain
C : Volumetric strain
D : Poissonʹs ratio

7: What is the ratio between lateral strain and longitudinal strain?
A : Hooks law
B : Youngʹs modulus
C : Bulk modulus

D : Poissonʹs ratio














8: Which symbol is used to express change in length?
A : L

B : ẟl
C : I
D : e

9: Which one is the ratio of stress?

A : Load and area
B : Load and direction
C : Load and diameter
D : Load and time

10: Which force acts on rivets?
A : Tensile force
B : Compressive force

C : Shear force
D : Bending force

11: Which type of stress?
A : Tensile stress
B : Compressive stress

C : Shear stress
D : Torsional stress

12: What is the formula for bulk modulus?
A : Tensile stress/Tensile strain
B : Compressive stress/Compressive strain

C : Volumetric stress/Volumetric strain
D : Shear stress/Shear strain

13: Which law states that within elastic limit stress is directly proportional to strain?
A : Newtons law

B : Hooks law
C : Joules law
D : Charles law

14: What is the name of the point ʹCʹ?

A : Yield point
B : Elastic limit
C : Ultimate load
D : Fracture















15: What is the term used for maximum stress attained by a material before rupture?
A : Tensile stress
B : Compressive stress
C : Working stress

D : Ultimate stress

16: What is the ratio between ultimate stress to working stress?
A : Bulk modulus
B : Youngʹs modulus

C : Factor of safety
D : Modulus of rigidity

17: What is the ratio of ultimate load to area of original cross section?
A : Factor of safety
B : Yield point

C : Ultimate stress
D : Youngs modulus

18: What does the point ʹbʹ denotes in the stress-strain graph?

A : Elastic limit
B : Yield point
C : Limit of proportionality
D : Ultimate load

19: What is the ratio of shear stress to shear strain?
A : Modulus of elasticity

B : Modulus of rigidity
C : Bulk modulus
D : Yield point

20: What is the ratio between stress and strain?
A : Yield point
B : Factor of safety

C : Youngs Modulus
D : Poissonʹs ratio

21: Which force acts on crank shaft?
A : Shear stress

B : Torsional stress
C : Tensile stress
D : Compressive stress

22: Which is thermosetting plastic?
A : Vinyl polymers
B : Polystyrenes
C : Celluloid

D : Melamine resins

23: What force will be required to punch a hole of 10 mm dia in a 1 mm thick plate, if the allowable shear stress is 50N/mm²? (π = 22/7)
A : 1757 N
B : 1575 N

C : 1571.4 N
D : 1577 N
















24: What is the tensile stress if a square rod of 10 mm side is tested for a tensile load of 1000 kg?
A : 1 kg/mm²

B : 10 kg /mm²
C : 100 kg/mm²
D : 1000 kg/mm²

25: What is the tensile strain if a force of 3.2 KN is applied to a bar of original length 2800 mm extends the bar by 0.5 mm?

A : 0.0001786
B : 0.0001687
C : 0.0001867
D : 0.0001968

26: How much strain is developed in an iron rod of 1 metre length gets elongated by 1 cm, if a force of 100 kg is applied at one end?
A : 0.1

B : 0.01
C : 0.001
D : 0.0001

27: What is the youngs modulus if a wire of 2m long, 0.8 mm2 in cross section increases its length by 1.6 mm on suspension of 8 kg weight from it?
A : 1.25 kg/mm²
B : 12.5 kg /mm²
C : 125 kg/mm²

D : 12500 kg/mm²

28: What is the safe stress if the ultimate stress of a material is 35 kg/mm² and factor of safety is 5?
A : 0.143
B : 0.7
C : 1.43

D : 7

29: Which type of stress?
A : Tensile stress

B : Compressive stress
C : Shear stress
D : Torsional stress

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