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Module 7 : Spread Sheet Application

Questions: Level 1

1 How Cells are named in MS Excel?
A Alphabetically
B Numerically

C Alphanumerically
D Special Character

2 What is the maximum limit of rows in MS Excel 2010?
A 1084567
B 1048567

C 1048576
D 1084576

3 What is the maximum limit of column in MS Excel 2010?
A 16384
B 16438
C 16843
D 16348

4 Which bar lies top of the window in Excel Screen?
A Status Bar

B Ruler
C Title Bar
D Scroll Bar

5 How rows are numbered in MS Excel?
A Alphabetically
B Numerically

C Alphanumerically
D Special characters

6 How columns are named in MS Excel?
A Alphabetically
B Numerically
C Alphanumerically
D Special characters

7 Which tab is used to include pivot table, charts, hyperlinks to a spread sheet?
A Insert
B Page Layout
C Data
D Review

8 Which tab in Excel is used when importing, querying, outlining and subtotaling the data placed into a worksheet’s data list?
A Formula

B Data
C Review
D Insert

9 Which tab in Excel is used for proofing, protecting, and marking up a spread sheet?
A Formula
B Data

C Review
D View

10 What type of software is MS Office?
A Application Software
B Operating System
C Programming Language
D System Software

11 Which tool in Ms office is best for organizing data and making lists?
A Access

B Excel
C Power Point
D Word

12 What is the file extension of Excel 2010?
A xls
B xlsb
C xlsm

D xlsx

13 How does the single element in a worksheet known as in Excel?
A Cell
B Column
C Range
D Row

14 What do you mean by A3,B13:B20,C7 reference in Excel?
A Range
B Union
C Formula
D General

15 Which type of key should combine with ctrl key to create a macro key in Excel?
A Numeric

B Alphabetic
C Alphanumeric
D Special characters

Questions: Level 2

1 Which bar is used to display the sheet information and insertion point location in MS Excel?
A Ruler
B Scroll Bar

C Status Bar
D Title Bar

2 Which function key is used to open save as dialogue box in MS Excel?
A F2
B F5
C F7

D F12

3 Which tab is used to change the display of worksheet area and the data it contains?
A Page Layout
B Data
C Review

D View

4 Which view in Excel displays the pages exactly as they appear when printed?
A Custom View
B Full screen View
C Page Break View

D Page Layout view

5 Which one of the following will starts with “=” sign in Excel 2010?
A Data
B Text
C Numbers

D Formulas

6 Which tab is used for creating, formatting and editing a spreadsheet?
A Data

B Home
C Insert
D Review

7 Which function is used to count the number of cells that contain numbers, in a range?
A Count ()
B Countif()
C Sum()
D Sumif()

8 Which function is used to add the values in a range?
A Count()

B Sum()
D Sumif()

9 which symbol is used to excute formulas in MS Excel?
A =
B ‘
C #
D “

10 Where does the result displays when a formula is entered in Excel?
A Current Cell
B Next Cell
C Previous Cell
D Formula Bar

11 Which function in Excel is used to find the biggest value in a range?
A Ceiling


12 Which one of the following is a text function in MS Excel?

13 Which one of the following is a ‘Date & Time’ function in Excel?


14 Which function is used to find the middle number in a range?

15 What is the purpose ‘Tab’ key in MS Excel?
A Moves cell pointer to previous column

B Moves cell pointer to next column
C Moves cell pointer previous row
D Moves cell pointer next row

16 What is the purpose of ‘Enter Key’ in MS Excel?
A Moves cell pointer to previous column
B Moves cell pointer to next column
C Moves cell pointer to previous row

D Moves cell pointer to next row

17 Which function key is used to open goto dialogue box in MS Excel?
A F2

B F5
C F7
D F11

18 Which option in MS Excel is used to display the rows that meet certain conditions?
A Find

B Filter
C Format
D Sort

19 Which option in Excel is used to rearrange the rows base on the content of a particular column?
A Find
B Filter

C Sort
D Format

20 Which type of addressing is used to keep rows constant and column changes and vice versa while copying a formula from one area of the worksheet to another in Excel?
A Mixed
B General
C Relative
D Absolute

Questions: Level 3

1 Which one of the following is ‘no argument’ function?
A Now()
B Lower()
C Max()
D IF()

2 Which key is used to move the insertion point to the beginning of the current sheet?
A Pageup
B Home
C Ctrl + pageup

D Ctrl + Home

3 Which sequence of operation is used to insert the hidden formula bar in Excel worksheet?
A View→ Show/hide→ Formula bar
B Insert→ show/hide→ Formula bar
C Data→ show/hide→ Formula bar
D Home→ show/hide→ formula bar

4 Which option is used to change the direction where the cursor moves when you press the enter key in Excel?
A Excel→ options Advance → Enable auto complete for cell values
B Excel options Advance→Extend data →range formats

C Excel → options Advance → choose direction by clicking down arrow next to check box
D Excel options Advance→Enable fill → handle and cell drag and drop

5 Which key is used to make multiple line in a single cell?
A Alt+↵
B Tab+↵
C Ctrl+↵
D Shift+↵

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