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Database Management Systems


Questions: Level 1

1 What is the maximum number of characters allowed in text field is access?
A 255
B 256
C 64000
D 65000

2 What is the expansion of OLE in Access?
A object linking and embedding
B object linking and encrypting
C object linking and editing
D objet linking

3 What is the maximum length of the field name in Access?
A 16 characters
B 32 characters
C 64 characters
D 128 characters

4 Which view is used to arrange table data in different graphical layouts to summarize data?
A Table view
B Design view
C Data sheet view
D Pivot chart view

5 Which view allows to modify table’s structure in Access?
A Design view
B Datasheet view
C Pivot table view
D Pivot shart view

6 Which object stores information about related data?
A Document
B Table
C Page
D Screen

Questions: Level 2

1 Which key stoke is used to move the active cell towards right, in access table?
A Ctrl + Tab
B Alt + Tab
C Tab
D Shift + Tab

2 Which key stoke moves the active cell towards left in Access table?
A F2
B F5
C Tab
D Shift + Tab

3 Which combination of key zooms the content of active cell in Access table?
A Ctrl + F2
B Ctrl + F5
C Shift + F2
D Shift + F5

4 Which combination of key allows user to move to the first field in the first record in Access table?
A Ctrl + Tab
B Shift +Tab
C Shift + Home
D Ctrl + Home

5 Which command quickly locates the data is Access table?
A Find
B Locate
C Search
D Edit

6 Which technique prevents invalid data being saved in Access table?
A Index
B Filter
C Validation rule
D Input mark

7 Which validation rule accepts only a - z letters for fields in Access?
A Is null or NOT like “*[! a - z]*”
B Is null or NOT like “*[a - z ]*”
C Is null or NOT like “*![a - z]*”
D Is null or NOT like “[! a - z]”

8 Which validation rule allows only 0 - 9 for fields in Access?
A Is Null or Not Like “*[ ! 0 - 9 ]*”
B Is Null or Not Like “[! 0 - 9]”
C Is Null or Not Like “*[0 - 9]*”
D Is Null or Not Like “*[!0-9]*”

9 Which validation rule allows only positive numbers for fields in?
A Is Null or > = 0
B Is Null or Positive
C Is Null or < 0
D Is Null or = “+”

10 What is allowed the input mark symbol # in Access?
A Letter or digit
B Letter A through Z
C A digit 0 - 9 with +/- sign
D A digit 0 - 9 without +/- sign

11 Which validation rule allows exactly digits for number fields in Access?
A Is Null or Between 100000 and 99999
B Is Null or Like “????”
C Is Null or >= 0 AND< = 99999
D Is Null or < = 99999

Questions: Level 3

1 What is the output when the data ‘1678.95’ is set to the number format ‘###0.00’ in Access?
A 1670.00
B 1670.95
C 1678.00
D 1678.95

2 Which of the following is a valid time format is Access?
A hh:mm:ss AM/PM
C hh-mm-ss AM/PM
D hh/mm/ss AM/PM

3 Write the output when the data ‘Primary Key’ is set to the text < in Access?
A Primary key
B primary key
D Primary Key

4 What is the output when the data “FOREIGN key’ is set to the text format > in Access?
A foreign key
C Foreign Key
D Foreign key

5 What is the reason for not accepting zero in the fields of Access tables?
A Fields is set with is Null or > 0
B Fields is set with is Null or < = 0
C Fields is set with is Null or! [0]
D Fields is set with is Null or like “?”

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